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This sample shows how to add a third filter type in FlexGridFilter.
This sample shows how to add another type of filter in FlexGridFilter.
This sample shows how to prevent the entering of alphabets inside a Number type column.
This sample shows how to create a select all cell in the FlexSheet.
This sample shows how to customize fields of PivotEngine using the getValue property so that different items get different values.
This sample shows how to customize the PivotGrid so that it shows the subtotal rows up to a specified level.
This sample shows how to open the FlexGrid filter editor using a key combination (Ctrl + F).
This sample shows how to change the color of a TreeNode during run-time.
This sample shows how to move long levels to the next line.
This sample shows how to use custom grid editor in knockout.
This sample shows how to export the FlexGrid's data to Tab Separated Values.
This sample shows how to load child items in a grid on demand.
This sample shows how to use FlexGridDetailProvider using angular observables.
This sample demonstrates how to change the content of tooltip of a Pie chart.
Demonstrates how to add another bound sheet to FlexSheet and shows its data in Footer rows.
How to sort a PivotField according to its sub field.
This sample demonstrates how to do a drag and drop operation on a hierarchical FlexGrid.
Demonstrates how to check if InputDateTime control's value is changed using User Interface instead of typing.
This sample shows how to add filtering in a hierarchical FlexGrid
In this sample, the FlexGrid is only displayed if the number of rows in the grid is greater than 0.