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This sample demonstrates how to auto-size the columns every time the view definition is changed.
This sample shows how to remove the padding from the expand/collapse button in a hierarchical grid to show them in a straight line.
This demos shows how to ask for confirmation when deleting a row from FlexGrid using Popup
This sample shows how to filter data using CollectionView in a DataMap
This sample shows how to override the condition filter to add your own logic in filtering.
This sample shows how to create a FlexReport with custom report provider and change it by using the id provided from the client side.
This sample shows how to freeze columns from the right side.
This sample shows how to use DataSet of DataTable as the data source of the FlexReport
FlexGrid event, DOM and Form Validation for Input Control
This sample how to color column headers of FlexGrid according to the series in FlexChart.
This sample shows how to create dynamic data maps using FlexGrid.
The project adds a context menu to FpSpread. The context menu exposes three features: 1. Hide active column. 2. Hide multiple (cont. & non-cont.) columns. 3. Show all columns.
Customizing GanttView for the following:
Changing the default color for the progress bars. Changing date display format to JP. Changing default working times. Adding Holiday to calendar -
This sample shows how to apply a border the currently selected row.
This sample shows how to show multiple grids in ng-bootstrap's Tabs
This sample shows how to add rows to a hierarchical grid.
This sample shows to customize the row headers in FlexSheet using CellFactory.
This samples how to edit the column headers of flexgrid using Popup.
This sample shows how to customize the filter editor of FlexGrid using control template.