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This sample demonstrates how you can get the Page Number of the current page in PDF Document.
How to set a different color for Row header and Column Header in PivotGrid while exporting it to PDF.
Demonstrates how to check if InputDateTime control's value is changed using User Interface instead of typing.
In this sample, the FlexGrid is only displayed if the number of rows in the grid is greater than 0.
Change the legend of Pie chart using the rendered event.
This sample demonstrates how to show images on all of the data points of a series using Annotations.
This sample shows how to add a tooltip on each of the cells of FlexSheet.
This sample demonstrates how to change the content of tooltip of a Pie chart.
How to sort a PivotField according to its sub field.
Demonstrates how to add another bound sheet to FlexSheet and shows its data in Footer rows.
This sample shows how to add filtering in a hierarchical FlexGrid
This sample shows how to create row details using Observables and export them to PDF.
This sample demonstrates how to auto-size the columns every time the view definition is changed.
This sample shows how to remove the padding from the expand/collapse button in a hierarchical grid to show them in a straight line.